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Wedding Etiquette Advice

Wedding Etiquette Advice

Wedding Etiquette Advice

Here is the last part of Wedding Etiquette Advice that will answer all your questions.( Read  : Wedding Etiquette Tips part 1

Wedding Cake Etiquette 

If there is a cake then you have to cut the cake, the ceremony of the cake cutting ceremony or serving of dessert is a signal to your guests that it is okay to leave the party without being rude. You can skip the cake but instead of the cake provide candy bar or maybe pies.

Bridal Shower Etiquette

The bridesmaids are allowed to choose one of them, your mother or his mother can host a bridal shower. but be aware that the hostess should consult with you about the guest list, because shower guests should be invited to you wedding.

Using Mobile Devices During the Wedding Party Etiquette 

In general you have to ask the couple’s permission before posting any photo to any social media site, be aware that during the ceremony it's better to not upload any photos because uploading photos will distracts you from participating in the moment and will tell everyone on internet about the details of the wedding party.

Decide Who Can Bring a Date in Your Wedding 
You have to invite the couples who are in a relationship, whether married, engaged. even If you haven’t met the other half you have to invite him also.

For the single guests and the guests who are in an open relationship, you don't need to give them the option to invite someone else.

Be ready for an uninvited guests, if you saw one then avoid an uncomfortable situation and simply find a place for them.

Wedding Gift Etiquette

The wedding gift has no minimum or maximum. When you do shopping for a wedding gift you have to consider two things: your budget and your relationship with the couple. Try to spend what you can afford on something that suits the married couple.

Invite Guests to Wedding Party Etiquette

If someone invites you to her wedding then you have the option to invite her or no, If you feel uncomfortable about the situation, ask them to be a reader or to fulfill other role in the wedding. 

You are allowed to talk about your upcoming wedding but don't invite someone without sending a formal invitation after. 

It’s impolite to chat with someone about your wedding and invite him without sending a formal invitation.

If you don't want to invite the person then don't say it, give them a hint that you haven't finalized the guest list or that you don't know who to invite because of your economic problem.

If you don't want to invite certain people to your wedding then tell your parents about them, always discuses the guest list with your spouse and parents, give your parents amount of spots they can fill as they want.

Wedding Vendors Etiquette 

If you have a contract with vendors then you don't need to tip them. If you want to then consider the service and relationship, a cash tip or a small gift is ok. You have to tip  non-contracted staff like musicians or servers.

Sometimes the meals for vendors are already included in the contract, but you have to plan to pay for their dinner. talk to your venue or caterer about meal options and find something that works with your budget.

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